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Quotes from Jesse Dallas, author of "Pets Need Wholesome Food Also" and "What's New Pussy Cat";

"If you really apply some common sense analysis of commercial pet foods, then you are going to begin to notice that in many ways, commercial pet foods are not healthy for our pets and are in fact, no different than fast food diets for humans. Commercial pet foods are killing our pets. I know that some will find this to be a harsh statement, but for those that have suffered the pain of a sick pet, then this statement is anything but harsh and in fact, can be more of an understatement."


"Feeding a wholesome raw meat diet makes sense to me because I prefer not to focus on the word raw but rather on the word wholesome. Nobody can deny that our pets, just as we humans, need wholesome foods for good health. For some, they will think that commercial pet foods constitute a wholesome diet and that's fair enough. To each their own. But for myself (and hopefully for you too), if we meditate on what constitutes a wholesome diet then our thoughts should lead us to a diet that most closely imitates and resembles what Mother Nature herself would feed."


"Sad to say, some people just see a pet as a pet and not as living being that requires wholesome foods. It's always difficult for those of us that realize that, as pet guardians, we have a responsibility to treat our pets with love in every way including the food we feed them. I am often asked how can we change those that feed unhealthy pet foods? I always tell people that we should not try to change or convince others, but rather we should be a shining example. When you shine bright your light will eventually guide others too."


"Hopefully, like me, after learning about wholesome homemade pet food and the benefits of wholesome nutrition, you too will realize the insanity of feeding the enzyme depleted and nutritionally inadequate foods made from overly processed ingredients that a carnivore would never eat in the wild known as commercial pet food"


Please do visit this link and spare some time to read the extremely informative articles and a hassle free guide to natural homemade pet food (totally 100% free to read) for the sake of our beloved furry friends smile.gif

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